Business Organizations - Finding The Best Ones To Join

Business organizations are a great place to do some relationship marketing. To find the best organizations for you check out the web, the library, your contacts and be proactive in your search for business organizations.
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Business organizations are a great place to do some relationship marketing.   By joining business organizations you meet key business owners and leaders in your community.  By getting active in these business organizations you can use relationship marketing to its full potential.

The most common business organization we think of joining is the Chamber of Commerce.  There are a number of other organizations out there however that are worth checking out.

Finding Business Organizations

Read your local newspaper and watch for mentions of business organizations in your community.
Subscribe to a business journal in your area.
Visit government offices, business assistance officers, and economic development offices and ask for referrals to business organizations that people join for economic purposes.
Research the Gal Group Encyclopedia Associations.
Ask the reference librarian the names of some good business organizations in the area.
Use your network. Ask everyone you know whether they know of an appropriate business organization you could join.
Start with national organizations and then drill down to the state, country and city level.
Look at Business Referral Networks to get leads on business organizations.  Two good ones are and
Don't forget civic organizations. They aren't business organizations per se but lots of business owners are members.  Some popular ones are Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions.  Don't forget religious based organizations like the Knights of Columbus.
Then there are the specialty business organizations:
Minority business owners associations
IT related business organizations
The ICCA, Independent Computer Consultants Association
International Association of Microsoft Certified Partners for Microsoft certified partners
The “F” group, which is one of the bigger IT related business organizations for resellers

The Bottom Line on Business Organizations

Business Organizations are a great way to meet other business owners and potential clients.  Don't stop your search at the local Chamber of Commerce.  There are many business organizations out there and one may be perfect for you.  Check out the web, the library, your contacts - be proactive in your search for business organizations.  Your payoff will be lots of good leads and great opportunities to network and use relationship marketing.

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